Reader Input

Possibly the most unusual thing about this photo is that the co-ed seems to be wearing some denim shorts herself. The reason why she recieves no grief for her fashion choice? Simple. She can pull it off.
That leads me to another point. People often ask me, "Whats wrong with Jean shorts?" Inquiring as to why I choose to mock someone simply for their fashion decisions. Again, the answer is simple. It's Funny.
There are a variety of reasons why someone choose to continue wearing Knee-Jeans. Sometimes this decision is to be hailed as a sign of someone who knows where they come from, and likes to show their roots. Brett Favre comes to mind here. Sometimes its a sign of a person who is lost, they just don't know that the rest of us moved on, found new styles and left the Half-Jeans behind. There is alsoa large segment of the male populace that, for whatever reason, choose that time period in their lives as the time when they no longer wanted to keep up with the Fashion Train. "I'm Done" was the collective statement. They no longer need a new style or follow the latest trend.
Whatever the reason for the continuiation of this fashion trend from my youth, my role here is just to highlight it. If you are a wearer of jorts, you can come here and find others who share your denim fixation. Perhaps you wear a mullet and are looking for the perfect accessory or accoutremont.
Whatever, its all in fun.