

I don’t get it. Well, I mean I GET it. We all get it. And way, way too much of it. I just don’t know why. Are there people out there buying discount Viagra from an unknown company based solely on a random unsolicited email?
It seems like the worst possible business model. Yet it persists. And grows. Are there a group of companies behind these spam mails? I doubt it, I imagine one lonely dude in his basement with cases of little plastic bottles, hoping that some other lonelier dude somewhere in the vast interwebs clicks “buy now”

A note to new parents who live in family neighborhoods, be carefull with your baby monitors. If your neighbor has a similar baby monitor to the one you use, and you have the transmitter in your bedroom, and they have their baby monitor on, and it is late at night, and there is indeed no baby around, and you are participating in potentially baby creating activities, you may find that you and your neighbors are quite a lot closer to each other than you probably intend.

My son is 7. He often displays wisdom beyond his years, manifested in the smallest simplest form. The other day he explained to me, while sitting in a full Karate studio, that sometimes when he butt itches, he scratches it. In a matter of speaking, that is what make the world go ‘round isn’t it?


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